Summer's almost gone

And I want a bicycle. I want to feel the wind in my ears, I want to sweat and know it's for a reason. I want to go on a long trip with Him, explore the unknown. Well - we, as humans, want a lot of things, but a lot of things keep us from doing it. I want to have a bicycle, but: a) I'm afraid to ride it on the streets of NY b) don't want to buy it c) am afraid to ride it on the streets of NY.
Next to the bar, there's a memorial of a guy who got killed on the corner - he was delivering Peking Duck, when a truck cornered him, pressed against its huge body, and crushed unforgivably. When I was walking to work, I saw "Police line do not cross" all over the place. The body was long gone, truck driver went to cure his trauma to the hospital, and only witnesses were the broken poll with a parking hours sign on it, and a big brown stain. It was raining the next day - gently and mercifuly, nature cleaned the sidewalk as if nothing happened. The very same day somebody has put a white-painted bicycle on a corner, as a memento. Flowers were changed daily.
I'm afraid to ride a bicycle in NY.
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