Subway Diva and Deli Hero

Here it is, as promised. Almost want to show her this photo and ask: "Was it worth it to ruin my day?"
Enough about that. This morning I re-gained my faith in people. Guy working in a deli on Delancey told off the aggressive cell-phone talkers in his store. He told both of the jerks (woman and a man) to take their conversations outside.
"But we're waiting for our food" - said one of'em.
"Then wait outside or turn the cell phone off. Why do I have to suffer through your private business?"
And I thought it was just me. I even thought I was getting old or something. Thank you, Mr. Deli Hero. And you are one, at least to me.
For your active resistance to the notorious radio-cell-phone-on-the-loudspeaker-bullies. Keep the good work in your deli, I pledge to continue mine behind the bar. Vive la Cellphone Resistance!
You're not getting old, or at least that's not the reason you (we) are bothered by selfish jerks babbling endlessly on their cells. It's that people seem to be getting dumber and more self-centered. I save my wrath for SUV drivers brazenly speeding around while on their cell phones. They know the odds of getting a ticket are slim to none. And I know my giving them the finger probably isn't gonna help them see the light, but it feels so right somehow!
Yeah, Let the finger loose. Living in the city, I have a lot of rage against un-civilized civilization abusers. Another example: a choir of cars honking when they're stuck in traffic, just outside my window after Midnight. What does it help if you honk? Do they think the horn-honking is going to somehow teleport them to where they're going? What about people talking on their cellphone or txting on the subway stairs, where the entrance is very narrow, blocking other people's way. What about traffic cops that are busy writing off tickets to cars that are parked, as opposed to those who make grid-locks happen because they are sooo in a hurry... don't even get me started, as Jeannie Darcy would have said.
I agree about the horn honking. That's purely a NY thing, because we have to be so self-important that we pretend even a second or two of waiting will play havoc with our busy schedules. It's such a mediocre thing to do, beep the horn as soon as the light turns green, and it should be a ticket also. We were coming back from the beach Sunday and as we waited in line to pay a toll, all these people tried to cut in line ahead of us, while a cop just stood there. My friend said, aren't you gonna give these people tickets, and he said, I'm busy doing other stuff... I read somewhere there are only like 50 ticket agents throughout the city that are authorized to give blocking the box tix or driving on cell phone tix. As long as that's the case, you can't expect people to fear reprisals. Another thing is people walking down a crowded street, phone to ear, elbows bent out. If they think I'm moving an inch so they can continue in their fantasy land ... let's just say I get my point across in these situations. It sucks that people who have manners have to be upset by these selfish morons, such that we come off as rage-a-holic types! Keep up the good fight against rudeness...
wyglada raczej groznie:) ale z pewnoscia udaloby Ci sie uciec przed nia... granda kula
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